Saturday, September 25, 2010

My Learning Objectives

It has been very difficult to design my learning objectives for this course. At first, I felt overwhelmed by the amount of material and the variety of web 2.0 tools and links we had. Now I have explored most of them I found some needs and based on them, I have come up with some learning objectives.

By the end of the course:
  1. I will have used and evaluated the web 2.0 learning and teaching tools and mechanisms for promoting knowledge by means of socially driven learning networks. 
  2. I will have reflected on my learning process and self-evaluated it
  3. I will have participated and created blogs and social networks  while identifying, acessing, aggregating, processing and analyzing the flux of information.
  4. I will have understood the aspects related to Multiliteracies and have reached a definition of Technical Literacy


  1. Hi Roxana,

    Thanks for writing out some learning objectives. They look fine (after all they are YOUR objectives). You could make them narrower and more specific so as to be more easily achievable; for example in the first one narrow that to a certain class of Web 2.0 tools. I like the last one since that was the first question you asked in your blog.

    Ok, it looks like you're well on your way :-)

  2. Hi Maria & Vance,

    Maria, thanks for providing an example of your learning objectives. I wonder if it is necessary as Vance suggests to make them narrower and therefore more achievable. While this might help give one a cleare path to follow, it also assumes we know what we want to learn in advance. For me, I find I have been learning things in this course, but not neccessarily as a result of following predetermined set of objectives. Is that wrong?


  3. Roxana!

    Thanks for setting an example. I promised myself I would do the same today. You are my inspiration!


  4. Thanks for your comments. I believe learning objectives are guiding me but I don´t think we should feel restricted by them. As Patrick states, our learning process goes far beyond them and probably they won´t cover all the content pointed out by a syllabus. I would like to keep working and evaluate social networks such as Twitter, Ning and Blogger.

  5. In answer to Patrick's question, I would say if your learning objectives DIDN'T change there was possibly something wrong :-) Your learning objectives are yours. I can only provide feedback, as can anyone else. After considering feedback, narrow or broaden as you see fit.

  6. I have explored many web 2.0 tools at The quantity of web 2.0 is overwhelming but they can be divided into different categories according to the use we want to make of them, such as social, design, audio, search, video, collaboration, blogging or sharing. I know what you mean by narrowing So far, I have used some mentioned in this course, especially the ones that I found more attractive and I had heard of: twitter, delicious, facebook, wikis, blogging and flickr
